Platinum QuietCool Dealer in Northern & Southern California
Over 40,000+ Happy Customers

We are the original and authentic Whole House Fan company, don't be fooled by imitators!

Centers For Disease Control And Prevention
Per the CDC, one of the four best things you can do for your home as it concerns the recent COVID-19 outbreak is to increase ventilation by opening windows.*

American Lung Association
According to the Lung Association, research shows that airflow and ventilation can alter how diseases spread indoors. To keep the air safe indoors, fresh outdoor air is needed to dilute these indoor pollutants.**
** American Lung Association source: www.lung.org/our-initiatives/healthy-air/indoor/indoor-air-pollutants/bacteria-and-viruses.html
Whole House Fan - A Great Way To Cut Your Energy Bill
The Whole House Fan is an amazing solution to the problem of increasing energy cost.
A Whole House Fan takes the warm air from every part of your home and replaces it with the cooler outside air, early in the morning and later in the evening, making your home comfortable for just pennies.
Numbers speak
Whole House Fans
The Whole House Attic Fan is the most effective energy saving appliance available.
Standard air conditioning units consume electricity at high levels to circulate cooled air, and are extremely expensive to repair, and maintain. The use of a Whole House Fan drastically reduces your dependence on air conditioning and in some instances ENTIRELY REPLACES IT.
This translates into hundreds of dollars of energy savings per year!
Our personally designed, revolutionary whole house ventilation systems quietly replace the air in your home at a rate of 15 – 20 times per hour. This results in healthier air quality and a drop in air conditioner usage by 50-90%. In fact, today’s whole house exhaust fans pay for themselves on average within a year and a half, making them the most cost effective energy saving appliance on the market. All this while making you feel refreshed and clean, like you are at the beach!
What Our Clients Say

Trusted Installers
We are highly trained professionals. We strive to provide the best service for your home.
Let us help you create a more comfortable home.